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Recruit the world's smartest STEM professionals

Our unique database of 29+ million validated STEM professionals ensures we find the right recruit for your specific needs faster and more accurately than anything you used before

Hire technical experts and R&D Specialists
Ralph Profile Image
Ralph Edwards
Sep 29
Ralph: Hello Arlene! I’m reaching
out today to discu...
Arlene Profile Picture
Arlene McCoy
Arlene: Typing...

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Discover HardSkills: the ultimate STEM candidate database

Exceeding expectations always

“We have been looking for a hydrometallurgist for 8 months and used 3 different recruiters. HardSkills found a candidate in 1 week.”   


Redefining recruitment with exceptional accuracy

Our world-class database of 79 million+ validated technical skills, 29 million+ potential candidates, and 61,500 classifications ensures we find your ideal candidate. 

Traditional Recruiting


29,000,000+ validated candidates + LinkedIn + personal contacts

LinkedIn + personal contacts

Quality/Vetted profiles

High quality and verified

Not verified


61 500 classifications and precision targeting

Broad base targeting


28,000,000+ validated candidates + LinkedIn + personal contacts

Traditional Recruiting

LinkedIn + personal contacts

Quality/Vetted profiles

High quality and verified

Traditional Recruiting

Not verified


61 500 classifications and precision targeting

Traditional Recruiting

Broad base targeting

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Recruitment Services

Utilize HardSkills scientific recruitment services to find your next engineer or STEM expert.

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Use the HardSkills database solution to discover and recruit from over 29+ million research & development experts globally.

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Find experienced STEM professionals for your industry and technologies

With our top-tier database, we're leading the way in recruitment within technical and R&D-intensive industries. We provide comprehensive IP recruitment solutions to a variety of sectors, including:

Data science
Life science and lab
Electrical engineering
Powertrain design
Scientific research
Manufacturing technology
Materials science
.. and more

We identify ideal talent with proven hard skills

Patents are evidence of demonstrated competence, validated by experts

Patents hold more than just technical data - it shows both the people who have worked on them and the skills patent holders have obtained in the process. And the best part? All skills are validated by the experts granting the patents. We use our proprietary patent databases to find your ideal talent.

Why are patents indication of competence? 

We help you find STEM experts worldwide

Whether you are looking for talent in the US, France, Germany or England, HardSkills enables you to use IP recruitment and to find - validate - contact - recruit patent holders with proven expertise in technical fields such as pharmaceutical, automotive, electrical engineering, and much more.

Sarbajit Rakshit
Sarbajit K. Rakshit
David Reis
David Reis
Boris Balacheff
Boris Balacheff

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The most comprehensive scientific recruitment database out there




STEM Experts

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